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(posted 7/27/2010)
now, the corporate media and the employing class promote the myth that
timber workers and environmentalists have nothing in common.
However, as early as 1985, timber workers and environmentalists
began to fight together against unsustainable corporate timber
practices in the “Redwood Empire” of northwestern California. When
long time labor activist Judi Bari joined Earth First! and brought the
IWW back to timber country in 1988, real grassroots opposition began
to grow in timber country.
This book chronicles the early years of these struggles and how a
divided community began to overlook their differences and fight
against the real outside agitators: multinational corporations. The
struggle is no less relevant today as multinational corporations
continue to receive massive bailouts, working people struggle more and
more just to make ends meet, and global warming threatens not only old
growth forests, but civilization as we know it.
The Forest For The
Trees -
documentary film about Judi Bari and the FBI trial ,
produced and directed by Bernadine Mellis, daughter
of Judi's lead attorney Dennis Cunningham. the director's
about the film
from distributor Bullfrog Films
No Pepper Spray website - Non-violent Headwaters Forest
protesters had pepper spray soaked Q-tips put into their eyes by Humboldt
County law enforcement in 1997. Shocking police videos drew international
outrage when they were broadcast by network TV. The activists sued in federal
court for violation of their 4th Amendment rights by excessive force, and got
a hung jury in their 1998 trial in San Francisco federal court. Instead of
granting a new trial, the judge threw the case out. The activists appealed,
and the 9th Circuit overturned the trial judge and granted a new trial.
Defendants appealed and it went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which
upheld the activists' right to a new trial. At this point the Bari/Cherney
legal team took over representation of the Pepper Spray plaintiffs. They
got the original judge removed from the case for the appearance of bias, and
took the case to trial twice more, finally winning a unanimous jury verdict
in April 2005.,
a progressive online newspaper, one of the Internet's first, which regularly
covers the Bari/Cherney bombing case and many other activist issues.
Short History of FBI COINTELPRO by Mike Cassidy and Will
Miller, a very brief treatment based on Brian Glick's War At Home: Covert
Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It, (South End
Press; Boston, 1989). The linked article was reprinted in the Albion Monitor
as a sidebar to "The
Judi Bari Bombing Revisited: Big Timber, Public Relations and the FBI"
a review and analysis of the case by Nicholas Wilson.
site by Paul Wolf, an excellent resource on the FBI's sordid
history of domestic covert operations, including the complete "The
COINTELPRO Papers --Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against
Dissent in the United States" by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall.
Paul is currently adding major portions of the Church Committee reports of the
1976 Congressional investigation of the FBI and CIA.
-- another good reference page by Paul Rivero.
Z-Net - The
FBI, Past, Present and Future page
The Campus Files
- San Francisco Chronicle special report on FBI spying and political
repression on the UC Berkeley campus during the sixties, including
collusion between then-governor Ronald Reagan and J. Edgar Hoover.
Researched and written by award-winning journalist Seth Rosenfeld. Published
in 2002.
Mendocino Environmental
Center Home Page including the MEC quarterly newsletter
containing articles by Judi Bari.
Earth - The Activist Nexus contains Judi Bari and Darryl
Cherney info, and much more.
Leonard Peltier, COINTELPRO target and American
Indian Movement political prisoner, wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for a
quarter century. This link is to the website of the the International Office of
the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, an authorized group which works directly
with Leonard toward gaining his release.
PO Box 28, Arcata, CA 95518
(707) 825-6598 (707) 825-7996 (fax)
national publication of the Earth First! movement (But we don't endorse
everything they publish.)

HURWITZ, click for details
Workers of the World , One Big Union, the Wobbly Home Page
Courage Press, publisher of Judi's 1994
book Timber
The book is currently out of print. You may still be able to find
copies in new or used book stores, and you can buy used copies online through
or or
Australia has a website called Get
Active, a one-stop-shop for anyone wanting to learn how to set up and
run a community campaign, lobby politicians, organize peaceful protests,
inform the media and much more including hot-links to the world's best
activist sites.
The Headwaters Action Video Collective
mission is to use video, film, photography and music to raise consciousness
about environmental and social justice issues. They are based in Humboldt
County, CA, and have produced several outstanding short videos covering
the struggle for the ancient Headwaters Forest. Their "LUNA - The Stafford
Giant Tree-Sit" covers the early part of Julia Butterfly's two-year tree-sit.
Fire in the Eyes covers the infamous sheriff's department use of pepper
spray to torture nonviolent, locked-down demonstrators. HAVC did
extensive work on "Showdown in Seattle - 5 days that shock the WTO" and
"Breaking the Bank - A16" covering the World Bank protests in Washington
DC April 16, 2000. Their films are great organizing tools. (posted
The Public
Relations Industry's Secret War On Activists by John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton
of PR Watch, published in Covert
Action Quarterly Issue #55, Winter 1996. "Using spies, infiltrators, phony grassroots campaigns, smear
techniques, and high-tech media assaults, the PR industry is targeting
its biggest enemy: local activists." Note that the main link above now
goes to a copy of the original site in the Internet
Archive Wayback Machine, a handy link for finding copies of defunct
websites or copies of websites before they were changed.